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Cleaning Service in Kansas City Recommends Amazing Eco-Friendly Baking Soda for Cleaning –In every home, there’s a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed when it comes to cleaning. A staple in the pantry, it is not only revered for its pivotal role in baking but also a powerhouse for household cleanliness. Yes, we’re talking about baking soda—a simple yet versatile ingredient that can tackle messes and odors in ways commercial cleaners can only dream of.

Before you lament over the last drop of your favorite cleaning solution, consider this: the secret to a spotless home might just be sitting in your kitchen cabinet. With its gentle abrasive nature and deodorizing properties, baking soda can transform the way you clean. From reviving stainless steel sinks to ensuring your sleeping sanctuary remains fresh, here are five ingenious ways to use baking soda for cleaning that will leave your house gleaming.


Cleaning Service in Kansas City

Cleaning Service in Kansas City: How to Use Baking Soda for Cleaning


  1. Empty the Sink
    • Pour some baking soda into your stainless steel sink and allow it to sit for a while before scrubbing gently with a sponge. This method tackles the bacteria and grime accumulated from food waste, ensuring a cleaner kitchen environment. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a refreshing scent.
  2. Deodorize Smelly Shoes
    • Say goodbye to stinky shoes by sprinkling some baking soda inside. The powder will absorb any unpleasant odors, leaving your shoes smelling fresh and clean. Simply tap out the excess before wearing them again.
  3. Clean Your Mattress
    • Baking soda is an effective deodorizer, making it perfect for freshening up your mattress. Sprinkle a generous amount over the surface and let it sit for at least an hour. Then, vacuum it up to reveal a clean and refreshed mattress.
  4. Whiten Your Whites
    • Add half a cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent when washing white clothes or linens. This will help brighten and whiten them, leaving them looking like new.
  5. Remove Stains from Carpets
    • Accidents happen, but that doesn’t mean your carpet has to suffer. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to create a paste and apply it directly to the stained area. Let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up. The stain should be lifted, as should any lingering odors.
  6. Freshen Up Your Fridge
    • Combat unpleasant odors in your fridge by placing an open box of baking soda in the back. It absorbs unwanted smells, keeping your fridge fresh.
  7. Get Rid of Grease on Dishes
    • Mix equal parts baking soda and dish soap to create a powerful grease-fighting cleaner. Use this mixture on dishes, pots, and pans to easily remove any stubborn grease.
  8. Sanitize Your Cutting Boards
    • Sprinkle some baking soda onto your cutting board and scrub with a damp cloth or sponge to sanitize. Rinse thoroughly and dry before using again.
  9. Clean Your Oven
    • Mix 3/4 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of water to form a paste. Spread it on the bottom of your oven and leave it for at least 15 minutes. Wipe away with a damp cloth and rinse thoroughly for a sparkling clean oven.
  10. Make the Fresher Fridge
    • Combine baking soda with vanilla or citrus essential oils and store it in an open jar within the fridge to absorb stubborn smells, keeping your fridge fresh and inviting.
  11. Make the Mattress Tidy
    • Mix baking soda with your favorite essential oil, sprinkle it over the mattress, and leave until the next bedding change for a fresher sleeping area.
  12. Cleaning Service in Kansas City Let the Tile Sparkle
    • Restore the shine of dull tiles by mopping with a mixture of baking soda and hot water. It’s a simple way to reflect your home’s cleanliness.
  13. Notice the Shift
    • For musty-smelling carpets or rugs, generously apply baking soda, allow it to absorb the moisture and dirt, then vacuum for a noticeable freshness without harsh chemicals.


Choose Mini Maids as your Cleaning Service in Kansas City


Baking soda proves to be an indispensable ally in the realm of household cleaning, offering a natural, safe, and effective way to maintain cleanliness and freshness throughout your abode. Its multipurpose functionality extends far beyond the domain of baking, providing solutions for common cleaning challenges faced by homeowners. A professional cleaning service in Kansas City says whether it’s reviving dull tiles, neutralizing fridge odors, or ensuring your sleeping space remains a sanctuary, baking soda has got you covered.

We encourage you to explore the myriad uses of this remarkable ingredient fo your cleaning service in Kansas City and integrate it into your cleaning routine. For more insights, tips, and tricks on keeping your home in pristine condition, or to learn more about our services, continue browsing through our website. Rediscover the magic of baking soda and elevate your cleaning game to new heights, ensuring a healthier, cleaner living space for you and your family.


Looking for a sparkling clean home or office without lifting a finger? Say no more! At Mini Maid of Johnson County, we’re not just another cleaning service in Kansas City. We’re the Johnson County fairy godmothers of tidiness, the KC wizards of wipe-downs, and the Kansas superheroes of sanitation.

With over 40 years of experience under our vacuum belts, Mini Maid has mastered the art of house cleaning in Kansas City, commercial cleaning services in Kansas City, and even those deep cleaning services in KC that would make Cinderella blush. And why do we do it? Our maid service in Kansas City believes you deserve to live and work in spaces in the Kansas City metro area that are as brilliant as you are.


Cleaning Service in Kansas City


We don’t just hire anyone to be part of our team. Oh no, we choose only those with a proven track record in the cleaning industry. Then we put our house cleaners in Kansas City through the wringer (figuratively, of course) with our rigorous training program. The result? A team at Mini Maid who can provide high-quality, professional cleaning in Kansas City.

So, whether you’re in Lenexa, Olathe, Spring Hill, Shawnee, Prairie Village, or anywhere in the Johnson County area, give us a call. You’ll get a free estimate, a host of discounts, and a clean that you’ll have to see to believe. Contact us today and let Mini Maid of Johnson County show you what premium commercial cleaning in Kansas City really looks like!